Weather Forecasts and Road Condition Links
As a snow sport enthusiast the one question you'll have all winter is..."Is it going to snow?" Check this page frequently to find out what kind of snow conditions to expect. When viewing the links below it is useful to keep in mind that Stevens Pass is at an elevation of 4000 feet, and that easterly flow often keeps the snow level lower in the pass than in other parts of the Cascades. Note: the links below take you away from our website.
NOAA is a very accurate forecast. Scroll down to the "North Cascades" section near the bottom. Keep in mind that Stevens Pass is at an elevation of 4000 feet.
This is also a NOAA forecast page, but it is packed with links to other forecasts, graphs, and satellite imagery. |
Forget the forecasts, find out how much snow has actually fallen at Stevens Pass. |
Is the backside open? Is Orion groomed or bumpy? Get real time info on your favorite lifts and runs. |
Forecasts are fine, but seeing is believing! These webcams let you see what is going on right now. Note: these links take you away from our website
Road Conditions
Don't worry, the CK Bus Drivers are the extremely experienced, but if you're planning to drive up yourself, or you want to know if there has been a road closure, or if they ferry is late or on time, try the links below.